About YFU Italia
Puoi scegliere su quasi 60 paesi la tua destinazione preferita. Puoi andare in un paese anglofono o di lingua spagnola oppure puoi lanciarti in un'avventura bilingue e imparare un'altra lingua oltre all'inglese scegliendo una delle nostre fantastiche destinazioni europee. Vai sul tasto "studiare all'estero" e scopri dove potrebbe realizzarsi il TUO sogno!!!
YFU Italia invites you to have the experience of your life!
Get to know our beautiful country as a YFU exchange student. We are waiting for you! Please first get in contact with the YFU office in your country. Our colleagues will help you regarding all specific questions about an exchange to Italy.
Language, art, beautiful landscape, architecture, history, food, fashion. Just like Rome wasn't built in a day, it'll take a whole lot longer than a day to experience all that Italy has to offer and become a part of its unique culture. Italian is the official language, although there are different dialects from city to city. Mealtimes are social events, lasting for hours on weekends or holidays. Conversations can be very passionate, and loud discussions with lots of gesturing and emphatic facial expressions are the Italian way to go.